Complete version in Spanish of the Children’s Agenda (2nd edition). It is the document that collects the demands, proposals and ideas of the boys and girls of the city of Barcelona to improve the childhood well-being.

Complete version in Spanish of the Children’s Agenda (2nd edition). It is the document that collects the demands, proposals and ideas of the boys and girls of the city of Barcelona to improve the childhood well-being.
English translation of the easy-to-read format of the Children’s Agenda (2nd edition) prepared to make it easier for people with reading difficulties to read the Agenda.
English version of the Children’s Agenda poster (2nd edition), which explains the 11 demands of children to improve their well-being.
Article that reviews the situation of childhood and adolescence in the city in the context of a pandemic, based on the data from the report “Key data on childhood and adolescence 2021”, which already reflect the impact of the covid-19 crisis.
L’Ajuntament de Barcelona i l’Institut Infància i Adolescència signem conjuntament aquest article explicant com Barcelona s’està transformant per passar de ser una ciutat compacta i densa a ser una ciutat verda i jugable, a partir…
Fiche récapitulative avec les principales informations du Children talk, à la fois les résultats de la première édition et les nouveautés de la deuxième édition.
Summary sheet with the main information of the Children talk, both the results of the first edition and the news of the second edition.
Síntesi en anglès del Pla d’infància de Barcelona 2021-2030 amb dades destacades de la diagnosi, els 23 reptes que identifica el pla i les 70 actuacions municipals que s’hi destaquen.
“The children have their say, a city-wide tool to assess and improve the well-being of children, from their perspective and with them taking centre
stage” is the title of the article published in issue 24 of magazine Barcelona Society.
Presentation about the importance of a context-specific deployment in the poorer areas of the city of the Plan for play in public spaces in Barcelona.
Executive summary of the “Plan for Play in public spaces, 2030 horizon in Barcelona”.
This article by Maria Truñó and Emma Cortés, published in the 2018 Metropolitan Yearbook of the IERMB, summarizes the evolution of play areas in Barcelona.
Infographic poster containing the 11 demands on the Children’s Agenda for improving their well-being.
Presentació general, en anglès, del projecte “Parlen els nens i nenes: el benestar subjectiu de la infància a Barcelona”.
The plan of City Council of Barcelona to place play and outdoor physical activity among the key policies to make a city more habitable and improve the lives of neighbors.
Recull de la ponència Shared residence: Charging perceptionsof what is appropiate for the post-separation care of children que forma part del seminari internacional Espais i temps en les famílies post divorci. La trobada va tenir…