City Spokeskids Group

OPEN from 2023 (1st edition, 2018-2020) | City Spokeskids Group is a group of about thirty boys and girls aged between 11 and 12 from all the districts of Barcelona. The aim of the group is to publicize the Children’s Agenda and open dialogues with political and social agents in the city of Barcelona around the demands and proposals of children to improve the well-being of childhood.

The children have their say (2nd edition)

OPEN SINCE 2021 The 2nd edition of The children have their say begins by asking “how are you?” to children aged 8-12. With the knowledge generated by this survey, the Children’s Agenda will be updated. A new Spokeskids Group will explain it to us.

Residential insecurity and childhood

CLOSED 2018-2023
| Laboratory on the housing crisis and the impacts of the residential emergency on the development of children and adolescents. In this laboratory, quantitative and qualitative data are combined in order to gain in-depth and comparative knowledge of the residential dynamics of recent years in the city of Barcelona, and more specifically in the Ciutat Vella district.

Plan for play in public spaces, 2030 horizon in Barcelona

OPEN SINCE 2017 | We support Barcelona City Council in the definition and implementation of the Plan for play in public space so that, with a horizon of 2030, the city is increasingly playable and offers more and better opportunities for playing in public space for children , adolescents and the general public.

Childhood Plan 2021-2030

OPEN SINCE 2021 | We are supporting Barcelona City Council on the drawing up of the Childhood Plan 2021-2030, which is the framework for planning and mainstreaming of the main policies that affect children and teenagers in the city of Barcelona.

Playable towns and cities

OBERT des de 2022 | Després de més de 5 anys treballant el projecte Barcelona ciutat jugable i acompanyant l’Ajuntament de Barcelona en l’elaboració i desplegament del Pla del joc a l’espai públic, l’Institut Infància i Adolescència posem a disposició d’altres municipis el coneixement acumulat per tal que més pobles i ciutats vagin avançant per ser cada vegada més jugables.

Covid-19 and children in Barcelona

CLOSED 2020-2023| Laboratory that traces the impact of the health and social crisis of covid-19 and the measures that have been taken to deal with it, in the lives and rights of children and adolescents in Barcelona. This laboratory is based on the monitoring of 27 emergency social research identified at city, Catalan or Spanish level.