Co-creating the city with children and teenagers

OPEN SINCE 2018 | We are supporting the public administration in the processes of co-creation with children and teenagers in order to design the city and the public space taking into account their voices and needs. In addition, we are systematising these processes in order to be able to replicate them beyond the pilot experiences.

Education, parenting and early childhood

OPEN SINCE 2017 | We accompany Barcelona City Council in its reflection on the model for municipal family spaces as a socio-educational service for early childhood.

Educational opportunities in Barcelona

OPEN SINE 2016 | This programme offers a diagnosis of the situation of education in the city of Barcelona, identifying the main challenges and action proposals for local education policies.

The children have their say (1rst edition)

CLOSED 2016-2020 | This project gives the floor to the children of Barcelona to find out more about their wellbeing and give them the chance to indicate actions for improvement in relation with aspects that are important in their lives.

Impacts of the 0-16 Fund on the reduction of Poverty

LABORATORY CLOSED (2019) | Qualitative assessment of the measure of the public policy Extraordinary Fund for Emergency Aid for Children from 0-16 years, an extraordinary benefit awarded by Barcelona City Council to families in situations of vulnerability to cover the basic needs of subsistence of children and/or adolescents aged 0 to 16 years.

Children and families attended to by social services

LABORATORY CLOSED (2018) | We produce a portrait of the living conditions of families with children and adolescents attended to by the social services of Barcelona with problem issues of extreme complexity based on a specific exploitation with a children’s perspective of the Survey on the Living Conditions of the Users of Social Services Centres in 2016.

Children’s participation in Barcelona

2016-2017 | This project proposes to identify, systematise and analyse transformative experiences involving the social and political participation of children and adolescents in the neighbourhoods of Barcelona.

Public space, childhood and adolescence

2016-2017 | We promote and coordinate a cross-cutting work group within Barcelona City Council with the aim of rethinking and incorporating specific improvements in the public space with children and adolescents in mind.

Evaluation of ‘School walk, friendly space’

2016-2017 | This project proposes producing a general snapshot of the programme’s functioning. Based on this we design a tool for evaluation to improve its knowledge, monitoring and planning.