Spaces of governance: mainstreaming of children’s policies

Enriching social debate by sharing knowledge is one of the main lines of strategic action of the Institute of Childhood and Adolescence. It is for this reason that, within the context of the new phase that began in 2016, the Institute has participated actively in different workspaces. This has meant contributing a children’s viewpoint and opening and fuelling informed social debates in which it shares evidence generated by the Institute for Childhood and Adolescence and other institutions alike.

As a bridge between research and the improvement of social policies related to childhood, spaces of governance are essential and strategic for ensuring that children have a presence in the political agenda. This means a quantitative leap forward can be taken in the mainstreaming and prioritisation of policies for children and teenagers at the heart of local government, and advances made in the progressive exercising of their recognised rights.

The activities of the Institute of Childhood and Adolescence in the governance field are of three types: 1) support for the drawing up of measures and plans of governance related with childhood and adolescence; 2) coordination of working groups; and 3) participation in workspaces led by third parties.

1. Support for the drawing up of plans and measures of governance. Plans and measures of governance that we have drawn up or to which we have contributed:

  • Childhood Plan 2021-2030: challenges and actions to improve the lives and rights of children and teenagers in Barcelona. More information in the related project: Childhood Plan 2021-2030.
  • Play Centres Plan of Catalonia 2020-2030: we are advising and supporting the Catalan Government on the design of the new Play Centres Plan.
  • Education and Care Plan for Babies and Toddlers in Barcelona 2021-2024. More info [in catalan].
  • Focus on Childhood and Citizenship 2017-2020: the challenges and municipal actions for enforcing the rights of children. More info [in catalan].
  • Barcelona Plays Things Right strategy: towards a policy for play in the public space. Més info [in catalan].
  • Plan for Play in Public Spaces, 2030 Horizon in Barcelona. More information in the project: Plan for Play in Public Spaces.

2. Workspaces and working groups coordinated by the Institute of Chilhood and Adolescence:
Working Group on Equal Opportunities in Childhood, created in the year 2015 within the context of Barcelona City Council’s Municipal Council for Social Welfare. More information in the related project.

3. Formalised participated workspaces (promoted by third parties)
The Institute of Childhood and Adolescence has formalised its participation as a member entity of:

  • Observatory on Children’s Rights of Catalonia (since 2017).
  • Steering Group on Children’s Participation of Barcelona City Council (since 2018).
  • Inter-institutional Table for the Prevention of Sexual Violence in Childhood and Adolescence (since 2018).
  • Barcelona Time Agreement (since 2018).
  • Education 360 Alliance (since 2018).
  • Citizens’ Agreement for an Inclusive Barcelona (since 2019).
  • School Radios Network (since 2020).

Furthermore, each year the Institute participates on an occasional or time-limited way in other spaces and working groups related with childhood and adolescence. You can consult these below:

  • Collaborations 2020.
  • Collaborations 2019.

Line of work commissioned by:

Barcelona City Council’s Area of Social Rights, Global Justice, Feminism and LGTBI Affairs.