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2023 Informe EN

Children’s Agenda (2nd edition)

Complete version in Spanish of the Children’s Agenda (2nd edition). It is the document that collects the demands, proposals and ideas of the boys and girls of the city of Barcelona to improve the childhood well-being.

2022 Article EN

Article a la publicació Nature Based Play

L’Ajuntament de Barcelona i l’Institut Infància i Adolescència signem conjuntament aquest article explicant com Barcelona s’està transformant per passar de ser una ciutat compacta i densa a ser una ciutat verda i jugable, a partir…

2020 Article EN

Barcelona Society: The children have their say

“The children have their say, a city-wide tool to assess and improve the well-being of children, from their perspective and with them taking centre
stage” is the title of the article published in issue 24 of magazine Barcelona Society.