3 core work areas

Contributing towards improving local policies to advance the rights of children and adolescents

Promoting and accompanying strategic, cross-cutting and specific changes for the progressive implementation of rights for children and adolescents by contributing knowledge in order to improve local policies, related both to citizenship and to predistribution and redistribution.

  • Bringing a childhood perspective and a focus on rights to processes, consultative bodies and spaces for the drawing up of local policies and reinforcing their visibility and cross-cutting nature.
  • Contributing towards creating and sharing a public agenda on rights and investment in childhood and adolescence in Barcelona, taking international agendas into account.
  • Promoting specific strategic changes that improve the everyday lives of children and adolescents in the city and that stimulate their empowerment as citizens.

Generating knowledge linked to the public agenda


Researching the lives of children and adolescents and the local policies that affect them, seeking a balance between diagnosis, assessment and proposals; based on specific experiences and prospection.

  • Undertaking the functions of an observatory through the generation, systematisation and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data on the 0-17 years life stage.
  • Analysing and generating evidence with a comparative perspective on local policies linked to childhood and adolescence.
  • Assessing services and programmes to identify areas for strategic improvement in local policies.

Enriching social debate and sharing knowledge


Fuelling today’s social debates by contributing a children’s perspective, sharing data, narratives, analysis and knowledge, both our own and those produced by other institutions, and establishing collaboration relationships with the social sphere.

  • Disseminating the activity of the Institute of Childhood and Adolescence, sharing knowledge-generating processes and results alike, in an informative vein and making strategic use of social media tools.
  • Promoting and participating in spaces for work and debate in order to fuel social narratives with data, evidence and a children’s rights framework.
  • Echoing knowledge and experiences on a Catalan, Spanish, European or international scale that are relevant for Barcelona.