We are a public agency devoted to providing knowledge to accompany local authorities in their role as guarantors of the rights of children and adolescents and to transform the city to make it a more suitable setting for childhood and adolescence.

We are a public agency devoted to providing knowledge to accompany local authorities in their role as guarantors of the rights of children and adolescents and to transform the city to make it a more suitable setting for childhood and adolescence.
We act as a bridge between knowledge and public policy for improving the lives of children of all ages, providing a perspective of children’s rights, including their own points of view and seeking specific improvements in local policies.
We are a specialized unit within the Institut Metròpoli with autonomous management. The City Council of Barcelona is our promoter.
We want to contribute to a Barcelona – city, metropolitan area and province – where children and adolescents can lead dignified lives and grow up with equal opportunities in social spaces and in enriching, healthy and protective family and affective environments: making all their rights effective and encouraging their maximum development.
We work towards ensuring a priority position on the public agenda for children and adolescents, so that the care of their specific human rights, as individuals and as a group, is considered a prime public concern with investment and policies based on analysis and evidence.
We work to heighten visibility of the role of children and adolescents as citizens with growing capabilities and as agents of change for the city; and for the age of 0-17 years to be considered as a strategic phase in the life cycle in order to achieve collective improvements in the present and the future.