Berta Fernández
Adolescence and public space (2023-2024)
Laura Torrella (SEER)
Altaveus d'Infants a les escoles (2023-2024)
Gonzalo de Castro Lamela (EDUCO)
Observatori 0-17 (2023)
Laia Martínez Roncero (EDUCO)
Observatori 0-17 (2023)
Miryam Navarro
Impactes of the 0-16 Fund & Residential insecurity (2017-2023)
Mariana Rico
Support for the program The children have their say (2021)
Kenneth Pitarch Calero
Observatory 0-17 (2019-2021)
Elena Hernández Cuñat
Playable city (2019-2020)
Maria Truñó i Salvadó
Director (2015-2019)
Alba Castejón Company
Educational opportunities in Barcelona (2018-2019)
Adrián Zancajo Silla
Educational opportunities in Barcelona (2018-2019)
Marta Curran Fàbregas
The children have their say (2018-2019)
Elena Sintes Pascual
Head of Knowledge (2016-2017)
Elisa Stinus Bru de Sala
Family spaces for the little childhood (2017)
Enric Saurí Saula
Educational project evaluations (2016-2017)
Bruna Coll Trepat
The children have their say (2017-2018)
Elena Guim Vallejo
Researcher (2016-2017)
Pol Maceira Duch
Researcher Ph.D. (2016-2017)
Clàudia Vallvé Cid
The children have their say (2017-2018)
Alba Marco Riba
Sociology student in internship (UAB) (2023)
Pau Jordana
Support for the The Children have their say program (student in practice) (2022)
Raquel Lluch
Support for the program Children have their say (internship student) (2021)
Jhimmy B. Cruz Quentasi
Political Science and Public Management student (2021)
Maria Canas
Student of Màster Metròpoli IERMB (2020)
Eugènia Gonzalez
Sociology student (2020)
Clara Garcia Grané
Student (2017-2018)
Natàlia Gonzàlez Escrigas
Municipal employment plan (2017)
Cristian Díaz López
Municipal employment plan (2017)
Joana Pagès Mas
Municipal employment plan (2017)
Núria Rams Rius
Student (2016)